Psych Matters

The History of Psychiatry Part 2: The Trials and Discoveries of the 20th Century

April 20, 2023 RANZCP

This episode is the second in a series on the History of Psychiatry. In this particular episode Dr. Kaplan explores the development of different drugs, methodology, and diagnoses that were discovered, researched, and applied from World War 1 to the 1980's.

Dr Robert M. Kaplan, MBChB FRANZCP MA MPhil, is a Forensic psychiatrist, lecturer and speaker with positions at the University of New South Wales, Western Sydney University and Wollongong University. His fields of expertise are sleep and pain disorders, neuropsychiatry and psychological aspects of physical disorders. He also holds the distinguished position at RANZCP, of Chair of the Binational Section Philosophy and the Humanities in Psychiatry.

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