Psych Matters
Psych Matters is an informative and educational podcast by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists. Psych Matters provides regular interesting topics for psychiatrists, psychiatry trainees and others with an interest in psychiatry.
This podcast is provided to you for information purposes only and to provide a broad public understanding of various mental health topics. The podcast may represent the views of the author and not necessarily the views of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists ('RANZCP'). The podcast is not to be relied upon as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship and should not be a substitute for individual clinical judgement. By accessing the RANZCP's podcasts you also agree to the full terms and conditions of the RANZCP's Website - RANZCP Website Terms of Use Agreement
Expert mental health information and finding a psychiatrist in Australian or New Zealand is available on the RANZCP’s Your Health In Mind Website - Your Health In Mind
Navigating Leadership in Psychiatry with Dr Mark Lawrence

Through the Lens of Adaptation: The Unique Insights of Visually Impaired Psychiatrists

Asylum Seeker Resource Centre (ASRC)

Infants in World and Mind

Virtual Reality for Treating OCD

Telepsychiatry and Digital Mental Health

Unconscious Lateral Intelligence (ULI): Solving highly complex problems while not thinking about them

Computer gaming culture and the benefits and risks of gaming

Halloween Special: Vampirism in Psychiatry

Connections and Community in Psychiatry

RANZCP Certificate of Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychiatry

A Day in the Life of a MVPTP Psychiatrist Trainee

Assessment of Sleep Disorders

The Challenge of Human Rights to Psychiatry and Mental Health Care

Values and Ethical Leadership in Psychiatry

A Day in the life of a DVA Psychiatrist

Transgender and Gender-Diverse Lived Experience
Leadership with Clarity, Authenticity and Purpose

Playing Kioku® reduces loneliness in older adults: a pilot study

Remote Supervision

ADHD in Adults

The Urgency of Youth Mental Health

Transgender Youth

Gender-Affirming Care: What is it? (and what it isn’t!)

Mood Disorders Update with The Anna Freud Centre