Psych Matters

Youth Offending in New Zealand and the need for a multi-agency coordinated approach (1 of 2)


This two-episode podcast examines the importance of effective, proactive multi-agency collaboration in adolescent forensic mental health settings. In this discussion, Dr James Gardiner and Dr Enys Delmage cover common presentations and highlight best practices across various environments, including inpatient services, community-based care and in-reach programs to youth justice residences (secure units operated by Oranga Tamariki, where some children remanded by the Youth or High Courts may be placed). 

This series introduces key topics that will be explored in greater detail at the upcoming RANZCP Section of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry Conference held in March 2025, Wellington. This podcast will be valuable for professionals working in adolescent forensic settings or those involved with children in the justice system.  


Dr James Gardiner is a forensic psychiatrist working at Tū Māia, formerly known as Regional Youth Forensic Services in Auckland.  Most of his work involves delivering in-reach mental health care to the two youth justice residences in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland.  James has worked as an in-reach psychiatrist in various correctional settings for around 20 years, with the last 10 years working with young people. 

Dr Enys Delmage is an adolescent forensic psychiatrist working at Ngā Taiohi, a secure inpatient service for young people in Porirua, Wellington. With a specific interest in the interface between mental health and the law in relation to young people, his research primarily explores the international landscape of the minimum age of criminal responsibility. 


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