Psych Matters

"Sheroes" in Psychiatry - Dr Jacqueline Rakov


"Sheroes in Psychiatry" is an initiative of the Women in Psychiatry (WIP group). Sairee Chahal coined SHEROES in 1999 to denote "woman entrepreneur." WIP group selected the term "Sheroes" as a fitting term for every FRANZCP woman psychiatrist. By doing this podcast series, WIP aims to support and celebrate the work of Women psychiatrists. Their mission is to share the unique stories of this extraordinary group of women with the audience. The podcast plans to focus on who they are, where they come from, and where they are heading.

Dr. Jacqueline Rakov is a clinical and forensic psychiatrist and Deputy Chair of the Forensic Faculty RANZCP (Vic). A large portion of her work includes the preparation of psychiatric reports in matters concerning both criminal and civil law. A particular area of interest is medicolegal work and reviewing the standard of care in medical negligence claims. She has worked with both plaintiff and defendant law firms in such matters as well as serving as the independent expert to the Coroner's Court. A passionate educator, Jackie holds a Masters of Health Professions Education and enjoys teaching medical students and doctors as well as offering continuing professional development to the legal community. In a treatment capacity Jackie has worked extensively in forensic settings, treating mentally ill offenders, and now holds a current appointment as the forensic psychiatrist for Monash Health and has particular interests in psychotherapy and trauma disorders in private practice.

Dr Tina Rizkallah
, is a consultant psychiatrist working in Victoria in the fields of forensic psychiatry and eating disorders. She is the past chair of women in psychiatry passionate advocate for gender equity both in and outside the workplace and training. Notable achievements include establishing the inaugural women in psychiatry dinner, conducting research on gender bias in psychiatry and lobbying the RANZCP for review of part time training fees. 

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