Psych Matters

Leadership and management for psychiatrists during and post COVID-19


The year 2020 will be remembered as the year of the most significant global pandemic since the Spanish influenza.   

Our mental health system is chronically strained and health professionals regularly struggle with burnout, at the best of times. The workforce shortage has consistently impacted the care provided to patients and COVID-19 introduced additional challenges.
At international, national and community levels, leaders across all sectors have been required to respond to both direct and indirect effects of the COVID-19 crisis, with little time for preparation, and in a constantly changing environment.
In this podcast, influential leaders in the field discuss some leadership strategies and talk through ongoing challenges and ways of working with the system and collaborating with relevant stakeholders to drive change in the best interests of doctors and patients.

Dr Murray Wright is the Chief Psychiatrist at NSW Ministry of Health and has maintained a private practice since 1990, and has a longstanding relationship with NSW Police, providing clinical advice and support to the Negotiation and Fixated Persons Units.

Dr Astha Tomar is Chair, Victorian Branch, RANZCP and Head of Youth, Peninsula Health, and a Member of the Mental Health Ministerial Advisory Committee, Victoria. She has worked extensively with various committees and groups at a state and national level to engage psychiatrists in clinical leadership, healthcare governance, system development and advocate for systemic change and improvement. She is currently working on a Leadership development program for psychiatrists.

Dr Ruth Vine is Australia’s first Deputy Chief Medical Officer for Mental Health. Ruth provides policy advice on critical mental health issues impacting the Australian community due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and champions Commonwealth policy development and implementation activities to better integrate the Australian mental health system. Ruth is a consultant psychiatrist and has more than 25 years’ experience. Ruth has worked for the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, and has held positions of Deputy Chief Psychiatrist, Chief Psychiatrist and Director of Mental Health. She has chaired the AHMAC National Mental Health Standing Committee, the National Mental Health Workforce Committee, and National Safety and Quality Committee.
Ruth is a member of the board of Forensicare, the Board of Mind and the Victorian Medical Practitioners Board (Victoria).

Dr Nardine Elzahaby is an early career psychiatrist at Austin health, runs a telehealth private practice and is the co-founder and co-owner of IMG SOS. 

Topic suggestion:
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This podcast is provided to you for information purposes only and to provide a broad public understanding of various mental health topics. The podcast may represent the views of the author and not necessarily the views of The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists ('RANZCP'). The podcast is not to be relied upon as medical advice, or as a substitute for medical advice, does not establish a doctor-patient relationship and should not be a substitute for individual clinical judgement. By accessing The RANZCP's podcasts you also agree to the full terms and conditions of the RANZCP's Website. Expert mental health information and finding a psychiatrist in Australia or New Zealand is available on the RANZCP’s Your Health In Mind Website.